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Principal's Message

Principal Wade Labatte

It is our philosophy that all children are entitled to a rewarding and successful school experience, not only as individuals, but also as members of the school group, the community and the nation. Through a nurturing environment, the school program should stimulate all students to achieve their individual maximum potentials and to develop attitudes, skills, interests and knowledge that enable them to become contributing and productive citizens of society. We look forward to an exciting school year. It is our goal to involve parents as key members of our educational team. We sincerely hope this year is enjoyable and a time for real growth. Teamwork, of course, means good communication between home and school.

Please contact us whenever you have questions or concerns. In addition, our schools are always open for you to visit. We greatly appreciate parent visits and encourage everyone to share their experiences.

Best wishes for a successful school year!


Dr. Wade Labatte, Principal